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Chris Lewis


Husband, Father, Public Servant



“I have dedicated my career to public service at the Louisville Metro Council and look forward to putting that experience to work in Frankfort. I look forward to meeting you and listening to your concerns and ideas as I work to earn your vote.”

— Chris Lewis for Kentucky State Representative


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Meet Chris Lewis

Chris Lewis & Family

Chris Lewis has a passion for public service and is dedicated to making our community a better place to live, work, and raise a family. He began his career as a Field Representative for US Representative Anne Northup – a pivotal experience that helped set the foundation for his career in the public sector. With his decades of public policy experience, Chris has worked to advance common sense policies in our government. Chris’ professional background also includes roles such as:

  • Deputy Director for the Louisville Metro Council Republican Caucus
  • Legislative Assistant for Louisville Metro Council District 22
  • Former Small Business Owner

Chris is proud to be Pro-Life and believes in the sanctity of human life. He is also a  supporter of the 2nd Amendment and will fight to protect the rights of gun owners in Frankfort.

Chris is a strong supporter of law enforcement and understands the challenges we face with public safety in our community as he has worked to support our officers throughout his career. He recognizes pressing concerns, like
public safety and the impact of rising inflation, and he is committed to improving  our infrastructure and working to reduce congestion on some of our busiest roads.

Chris has fostered a reputation for effective leadership and strategic guidance that sets him apart in the political realm. For over 20 years, Chris Lewis has honed his  passion for advocating local interests by planning and collaborating with government leadership to achieve local goals.

Chris successfully led the efforts to bring shot spotter gunshot location technology to high crime areas of Louisville, providing LMPD with a tool that has resulted in  saving lives and helping solve crimes involving firearms.

Chris has had success helping to stop the creation of new tax burdens in Louisville, such as the tripling of health insurance premium taxes, and when he helped to stop  increases in occupational taxes. Both times, Chris was part of the solution to find   efficiencies within our current budget without needing to increase taxes.

Chris worked to completely revamp Metro Government’s ethics code bringing   additional transparency and accountability to our elected officials and government employees.

Married to his high school sweetheart, Linda, for over 20 years, they share a   commitment to their faith and have been actively involved members of Highview  Baptist Church for the past 17 years, where Chris has also served as a volunteer in prison ministry. Together with his family, Chris has gone on several mission trips to Eastern Kentucky to help children in poverty-stricken areas.

Chris has a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Louisville,  and Linda has degrees in Chemical Engineering and is a Senior Regulatory Manager at Brown-Forman. Their children, Sydney (16) and Jackson (13) both attend Whitefield Academy where Chris served as a member of the board for several years.

Chris’ plan for kentucky


Chris Lewis is a conservative Christian with decades of experience advancing common sense principles at the local, state, and federal levels of government. Chris is proud to be Pro-Life and    believes in the sanctity of human life. He is also a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment and   will fight to protect the rights of gun owners in Frankfort. His track record includes fighting back against radical policies in Louisville and helping to create new methods for bringing
transparency to Metro Government. Chris has the experience we need and a record of successfully protecting our values and freedoms in both City Hall and in Frankfort.


Chris Lewis will support our police officers as they fight crime in Louisville. Safety is Chris’ number one concern.

In order to create the vibrant community that we all want Louisville to be, people must feel safe in their neighborhoods, they must feel safe coming downtown to a restaurant or an event, and they shouldn’t have to worry about getting carjacked at a stoplight. We must hold those who commit crimes accountable, and not allow liberal judges and prosecutors to keep putting criminals back on the streets.

Chris’ experience in public safety includes working with law enforcement to get them the tools and training they need, while also working with those convicted of crimes to reform their lives, get training to help become more productive and find a role for God in reestablishing their standing within our community.

Chris has had a hand in providing the Louisville Metro Police Department with “gunshot location technology” – an incredible life-saving asset in high crime areas of Louisville. Chris has years of experience working with and supporting our officers who put their lives on the line serving our community. Chris has also volunteered in prison ministry through Highview Baptist Church for many years.

Chris’ multi-faceted experience puts him at the center of this issue, and he knows how important combating crime is to our entire community.


Eliminate the state income tax.

Inflation is taking a big bite out of the family budget. With his background, Chris is knowledgeable on tax issues and ready to push legislation that eases this burden.

Chris has had success helping to stop the creation of new tax burdens in Louisville, such as the tripling of health insurance premium taxes, and when he helped to stop increases in occupational taxes. Both times, Chris was part of the solution to find efficiencies within our current budget without needing to increase taxes. State government will be no different.  Chris is a strong supporter of lowering the state income tax to zero, so we can attract new investment, brings good jobs to the state and be economically competitive with our surrounding states.


Prioritize teachers and students. Demand improvement & accountability. 

Chris 100% supports school choice in Kentucky. Whether it be public, private, or home school. Chris believes that parents know what is best for their kids – not the government, a liberal school board or a teacher’s union. It is imperative that we put the power of their children’s education in the hands of the parents.  This includes vouchers, charter schools and allowing education funding to follow the student.

Chris believes in collaboration and effective communication. This value in team building set him apart in the political realm. Navigating the politics of Education can be a daunting task.  However, Chris is no stranger to planning and collaborating with diverse groups and he knows how to bring people together. Not only has Chris been able to bring accountability to Metro Government, he has experience navigating educational issues as a Parent and as a board member for Whitefield Academy.

Chris Lewis will hit the ground running in Frankfort, improving relationships, and passing legislation that puts students and teachers back at the center.


Get Kentuckians back to work in good, high-paying jobs.

For over 20 years, Chris Lewis has planned and collaborated with government leadership to achieve better opportunities for Louisville. He knows this is a dynamic issue that needs to be tackled from multiple sides. Better jobs will come if we make public safety a priority, invest in education and vocational training, support small businesses, and attract new industries. Just like he has been dedicated to Louisville’s growth, he is dedicated to building an economic future that benefits every corner of our community.


Provide recovery and mental health services.

Chris doesn’t just “talk the talk” when it comes to helping vulnerable groups. Together with his family, Chris has been involved with Highview Baptist Church, going on several mission trips to poverty-stricken areas in Eastern Kentucky. He has witnessed the fallout of drug addiction and knows the difference between government lip service and the local charities that are helping people. On a national level, we need to strengthen our porous border, and
prevent the open flow of drugs into our country that is fueling rampant crime and destroying families.

Getting homeless off the streets is a process that begins when our residents get involved with their local church, civic group, or food pantry. We need to do a better job of making sure people aren’t living on the streets and provide them with the mental health and addiction recovery services they desperately need. At the same time, we also must stop homeless camps from popping up everywhere across the community and prevent aggressive panhandlers from approaching people on our streets and sidewalks. Chris is a supporter of organizations like Fern Creek Highview United Ministries – ministries that help homeless community members cover their basic needs and provide opportunities for them to help themselves.

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Contact Info

Chris Lewis for State Representative
PO Box 91436
Louisville, KY 40291

(502) 309-9097

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count down to the election

If we join together and make our voices heard, we can fight for the change we want to see!









Last day to register for the General Election: October 7, 2024

General Election:  November 5, 2024